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Showing posts from September, 2012

How to plot an XY diagram for McCabe Thiele method in Aspen Plus

Its been a really long time since I made any posts, sorry for that but work sometimes gets in the way of the things I like doing, like updating my blog. This post might seem a bit stupid but I tried to find out how to do this on the web and it was quite impossible to find a easy step by step guide for making a XY plot in Aspen Plus for use in the McCabe Thiele method for designing a distillation coulomb, so I had to figure it out myself after a lot of fellow class mates had the same problem as me. So without any further a dew here is my 13 steps to making a XY plot in Aspen Plus for a binary mixture. For this example I used the old classic ethanol and water problem. Step1:  Open Aspen Plus and this is the first screen to pop up. Choose "Blank Simulation" an press "Ok" Step 1: Begin new Aspen simulation Step2:  You are now in the simulation environment and to start the simulation you need to enter the "Data Browser" (Usual simulations you would